The Lounge

This is a hang out spot. Tune out the world and tune into the music.

Browse some cool images, read some cool poetry.

Just chill here for a while.

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:

Petals on a wet, black bough.

-- Ezra Pound

Conversation Starter - February 25th, 2024

Perhaps squirrels shall inherit the Earth. Along with their cousins: chipmunks, hamsters, mice, and such. When humans have destroyed themselves along with many of the other species we consider to be threatened or endagered perhaps these little rodents, so skilled as they are in stealth and foraging, will take over our dwellings. An alien invader might expect to negotiate with them upon seeing their domination of our cities. Perhaps in a million years, Chipmunks will be the astronauts coming up to meet the aliens.

Just some idle thoughts.

My Hamdog, Fluffy (Mr. Fluffy to you).
A Jazz club in Amsterdam