The Lounge

This is a hang out spot. Tune out the world and tune into the music.

Browse some cool images, read some cool poetry.

Just chill here for a while.

Here is something Sophie Scholl said:

"Life is always on the edge of death;

narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues,

and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does.

I choose my own way to burn."

Conversation Starter - February 23rd, 2025

Nothing is "apolitical". Everything is political. I've heard it said that the mere existence of [insert disenfranchised group] is not political. I understand the sentiment. But it is dead wrong. We don't have the luxury of being apolitical about anything, most especially the existence of certain groups of people. Silence is acceptance. Willful ignorance is complicity.

My Hamdog, Fluffy (Mr. Fluffy to you).
A Jazz club in Amsterdam